Copy Right: All pictures and designs are the rights of individual shops. ETT has received permission to use their photos and information for our blogs. Permission must be obtained from the individual shops in order to use their items. Written portion of the blog must be received by the writer of ETT blog.

Friday, April 17, 2009

We're on flickr!!

Our team now has a flickr group*! Check us out!

* The flickr group is for Etsy Twitter Team Members only. Non-team members are not allowed to post pictures to the pool. Thanks. *


Unknown said...

Look at all this great stuff we've got on flickr!

*Evelyn* said...

Oh i love the collage of flickr !!
thanks for including my Deer brooch !!
I now I can also promote the group with many flickr collage on my blog ....



Sunny said...

that's fantastic! off to find us on flickr!

heather knitz said...

It looks great! Thanks for including my buttons:)

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